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The function of the water meter non-return valve​

Time:2023-02-26 Views:738

Water is indispensable in our daily life. Water meters are an indispensable metering tool for households and public institutions. Many people know that a check valve should be installed on the water meter, but the role of the check valve is not very clear, Tengyue metering is a professional water meter manufacturer, to provide you with professional services.

When the water used in the home is closed, it is affected by the change in water pressure, which will cause the backward flow phenomenon, resulting in the rotation of the water meter and the error in counting, which is not good for the user or the water company. The check valve is a kind of automatic opening and closing valve without manual or other actions, its role is to keep the water in the pipeline only flowing in one direction, not backflow, when the water backflow valve disc is closed, prevent backflow. Therefore, it is also called a check valve or reverse flow valve.

The installation of a check valve is beneficial for both the user and the utility water company, avoiding the problem of meter metering disputes.

The function of the water meter non-return valve​

According to the different structural forms, check valves can be divided into lifting, swing and butterfly.

● The lifting type can be divided into vertical and horizontal two, the mode of action is to move along the axis.

● Swing type can be divided into single lobe type, double lobe type, and multi-lobe type, their working mode is to rely on the center of gravity rotation.

● Thin butterfly structure for straight flow, hinge on the spring pressure in the valve seat to seal.

After understanding the principle and function of the check valve, we need to think about whether the check valve is installed before the table or after the mark?
To answer this question, we first need to know that the purpose of installing check valves is to make the meter accurate. From the working principle of the check valve, the check valve and the water meter are in series together, the table before and after the standard can play a role in preventing the return of water, so to a certain extent, can improve the metering accuracy of the water meter.

In general, it is very important to install check valves on water meters. We should choose products with high sensitivity and qualified quality, and install them according to the correct method.
Tengyue Meter is an industry-leading innovator in flow measurement, water quality and control products, serving water utilities, municipalities and commercial and industrial customers worldwide.
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